Life at Wasu Farm

Cattles munching away
Farmers preparing seed potatoes for planting
Seed potatoes stored at our storage building
Cattles grazing in the early morning
Cowboys mending cattle grazing
Cattles group together the to graze
Spray specialty spraying insecticides on seed potatoes before replanting
The cattle grazing field where cattles are allowed to graze on grass
Freshly harvested potatoes
Horse riders in Wasu Field
One of the Cattles that are on sale in Wasu Cttle Farm
Mr. Ramu (MD) of Wasu Cattle Farming is giving a speech during the launching
Potatoes are bagged up and ready to be delivered to our customers
Workers building a new barn for Cattles
Plot is ready for planting new germinated seeds of potatoes after tractor plough and rotavate the land
Workers spraying insecticides on potatoes
Wrangler checking up on horses
Newly built cattle barn
Wasu Model farm volunteer Council Iso Putap
Harvest of the first trial witnessed by Agriculture Chairman Mr. Oscar Mepem
Advisor Mr. Kuim and Mr. Ramu displaying the seed bag at one of the trial farms in Toiwaro
Wrangler handling a horse
Healthy Potatoes in Wasu Farm ready to be harvested by the farmers
SHP Governor Powi with the National planning Minister, Agriculture and Livestock Minister and all his delegates during the launching of Wasu Cattle Farm
Hon. Minister Paita, giving a speech during the launching of Wasu Farm
Potatoes harvested in large scale
Workers getting ready to spray
insecticides on the potatoes